12 Tips For Riding The Ding Ding Tram In Hong Kong

Last Updated: July 2024

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Are you planning to ride the iconic Ding Ding Tram in Hong Kong? Whether you’re a tourist or a local, this public transportation is a must-try experience. But before you hop on board, there are some things you should know to make your ride smoother and more enjoyable.

In this article, we’ll give you 12 tips for riding the Ding Ding Tram in Hong Kong.

From understanding the fare system to choosing the right seat, planning your route, boarding and exiting the tram, being aware of peak hours, watching your belongings, and respecting local customs, we’ve got you covered.

So sit back, relax, and read on to learn how to make the most out of your Ding Ding Tram experience!

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the fare system is important before boarding the tram, and the Octopus card is a convenient way to pay.
  • Choosing the right seat can enhance the experience of the ride, with options including the front row, upper deck, middle, and window seats.
  • Planning the route and knowing the attractions nearby is crucial for experiencing the best of Hong Kong, with landmarks like Victoria Harbour, The Peak, and Happy Valley Racecourse being worth photographing.
  • Following simple tips for riding, such as holding onto the railing when boarding and exiting, watching personal belongings during peak hours, and respecting local customs, can make for a more pleasant experience for everyone.

Understand the Fare System

Don’t get caught off guard by the fare system – it’s important to know how much you need to pay before hopping on the ding ding tram!

The fare for adults is HK$2.60 for the first 2 kilometers, and HK$0.10 for each additional 200 meters.

You can pay by using an Octopus card, which is a rechargeable smart card that can be used for public transportation and purchases at stores. Simply tap your Octopus card on the reader when you board and exit the tram, and the fare will be automatically deducted from your card.

If you don’t have an Octopus card, you can pay by cash. Look for the fare table on the tram, which shows the fare for different distances.

When you board, take note of the number on the farebox located at the front of the tram, which corresponds to the fare for your distance. Drop the exact change into the farebox and take your ticket. Remember to keep the ticket with you until you reach your destination, as it may be checked by the tram staff.

By understanding the fare system, you can avoid any confusion and enjoy your ride on the iconic ding ding tram.

Choose the Right Seat

To fully enjoy your experience on the tram, try to find a comfortable seat that allows you to take in the stunning views of the city. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right seat:

  1. Front row seats: For an unobstructed view of the streets ahead, the front row seats are the best choice. You get to see the tram driver in action and have a clear view of the upcoming turns and stops.

  2. Upper deck seats: If you want a bird’s eye view of the city, take a seat on the upper deck. You’ll be able to see the bustling streets, towering skyscrapers, and vibrant neighborhoods from a unique perspective.

  3. Middle seats: The middle seats may not offer the same panoramic view as the front or upper deck seats, but they provide a stable and comfortable ride. Plus, you’ll be closer to the tram’s center of gravity, making it less likely that you’ll feel dizzy or queasy.

  4. Window seats: If you’re a fan of people-watching, choose a window seat. You’ll be able to observe the locals going about their daily lives, and catch a glimpse of the city’s culture and diversity.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to choose a seat that suits your preferences and enhances your overall experience on the ding ding tram. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

Plan Your Route

Planning your route on the tram is crucial for experiencing the best of Hong Kong’s sights and sounds. The tram operates on three different routes, each offering a unique perspective of the city.

The Central to Kennedy Town route is the longest and offers stunning views of Victoria Harbour, while the Happy Valley to Shau Kei Wan route takes you through the bustling streets of Causeway Bay and Wan Chai. If you’re short on time, the shorter Western Market to Shek Tong Tsui route is a great option, taking you through the historic neighbourhoods of Sai Ying Pun and Sheung Wan.

To make the most of your tram ride, it’s also important to know the tram stops and the attractions nearby. For example, the Causeway Bay stop is just a short walk away from the famous Times Square shopping mall, while the Wan Chai stop is close to the vibrant nightlife scene on Lockhart Road.

The Sheung Wan stop is near the Western Market, a historic building that sells dried seafood, Chinese herbs, and other local delicacies. By planning your route and knowing the attractions nearby, you can maximize your time on the tram and experience the best of Hong Kong.

Boarding and Exiting the Tram

When you hop on and off the iconic Hong Kong tram, make sure to hold onto the railing tightly as it sways through the bustling streets. Boarding and exiting the tram may seem simple enough, but it’s important to follow a few guidelines to ensure a smooth and safe ride.

  1. Wait for the tram to come to a complete stop before attempting to board or exit. The driver won’t wait for you, so make sure to keep an eye on the approaching tram and be ready to move quickly when it arrives.

  2. Enter and exit through the rear doors, unless you’re a senior citizen or have a disability, in which case you can use the front door. Keep in mind that the front section of the tram is reserved for these passengers.

  3. When boarding, pay the fare using exact change or an Octopus card. Hold onto your ticket or card until you exit the tram, as you may be asked to show it to the conductor.

When exiting, wait until the tram has come to a complete stop before stepping off. And don’t forget to thank the conductor as you leave!

Be Aware of Peak Hours

It’s crucial to keep in mind the rush hours when traveling on the iconic tram in Hong Kong. The peak hours for the tram are between 7:30 am to 9:30 am and 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, which means that you should avoid taking the tram during these times if you can.

During peak hours, the tram can get extremely crowded, which can make it difficult to board and alight. You may have to push through a throng of people just to get on or get off the tram.

If you must travel during peak hours, be prepared to stand for the entire journey. It’s also a good idea to keep your belongings close to you, as pickpocketing can occur in crowded situations.

Another tip is to board at the front of the tram, as it tends to be less crowded than the back. By being aware of the peak hours and taking precautions, you can have a more comfortable and stress-free ride on the ding ding tram in Hong Kong.

Watch Your Belongings

Now that you know when to avoid the crowds on the ding ding tram, it’s time to talk about keeping your belongings safe during your ride. Hong Kong is generally a safe city, but it’s always better to be cautious in crowded places.

Here are some tips to help you watch your belongings while on the tram:

  • Keep your bags and purses close to your body.
  • Avoid displaying expensive electronics or jewelry.
  • Use a crossbody bag or backpack instead of a shoulder bag.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and any suspicious behavior.
  • Keep your valuables in a secure location, such as a zipped pocket or locked bag.

The ding ding tram can get quite crowded, especially during peak hours, so it’s important to keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times. By following these simple tips, you can ensure a safe and worry-free ride on the tram. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the sights of Hong Kong!

Enjoy the View

As you ride the ding ding tram in Hong Kong, make sure to take in the breathtaking views of the city’s landmarks.

From towering skyscrapers to bustling markets, there’s always something to see.

Don’t forget to snap some photos to capture the memories of your adventure.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the sights of this vibrant city from the comfort of the iconic tram.

See the City’s Landmarks

To see all the iconic landmarks of Hong Kong, hop on the ding ding tram and let the view unfold before you.

As you ride along the tram’s route, you’ll pass by some of the city’s most famous sights. These include Victoria Peak, the Bank of China Tower, and the Central-Mid-Levels Escalator.

The tram also runs through some of Hong Kong’s busiest and most vibrant neighborhoods, giving you a glimpse of everyday life in the city.

The best part about seeing the city’s landmarks from the ding ding tram is that you can take in the sights without the hassle of navigating through crowded streets or dealing with traffic. Plus, the tram is an affordable and convenient way to get around Hong Kong, with stops located throughout the city.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as you take in the stunning views of Hong Kong’s iconic landmarks from the comfort of the ding ding tram.

Take Photos

Capturing memories is made easy by snapping photos of the stunning landmarks while riding on the famous tram. The Ding Ding Tram in Hong Kong is not only a mode of transportation, but also a tourist attraction that provides an excellent opportunity to take pictures of the city’s famous landmarks. From the Central district to the Western district, the tram passes through various places that offer breathtaking views, such as Victoria Harbour, the Peak, and the bustling streets of Causeway Bay.

To make the most of your tram ride, you can plan ahead and identify the landmarks you want to photograph. A helpful way to do this is by creating a table that includes the name of the landmark, the location, and a brief description of what makes it unique. By doing so, you can easily refer to the table during your ride and make sure you don’t miss any photo opportunities. Take advantage of the slow pace of the tram and be patient while waiting for the perfect shot. With a little bit of creativity and a good eye for composition, you can capture stunning images that will be cherished memories for years to come.

Landmark Location Description
Victoria Harbour Central to Causeway Bay A stunning view of Hong Kong’s skyline and the harbor at sunset
The Peak Western District A panoramic view of the city from the highest point in Hong Kong
Causeway Bay Eastern District A bustling shopping district with vibrant neon lights and crowds
Wan Chai Northern District A historic district with traditional markets and temples
Happy Valley Racecourse Southern District A horse racing track with a unique atmosphere and excitement

Respect Local Customs

Respecting local customs is crucial when riding the ding ding tram in Hong Kong, as it shows appreciation for their culture and way of life. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Remove your hat when entering a temple or shrine. This is a sign of respect and shows that you honor their religion and customs.

  2. Avoid pointing with your index finger. Instead, use your whole hand or nod your head in the direction you want to indicate. Pointing with your finger is considered impolite.

  3. Do not touch or pat someone on the head. In many Asian cultures, the head is considered sacred and touching it is an invasion of personal space.

  4. Always ask before taking a photo of someone. It is common courtesy to ask for permission and shows that you respect their privacy and dignity.

By following these simple tips, you can show respect for the local customs and culture while riding the ding ding tram in Hong Kong. This will not only make for a more pleasant experience for everyone, but also help you gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the people and their way of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any discounts available for frequent Ding Ding riders?

If you’re a frequent rider of the Ding Ding tram in Hong Kong, you may be wondering if there are any discounts available. The good news is that there are!

The Octopus card is a prepaid smart card that can be used to pay for rides on the tram, as well as on buses, ferries, and the MTR. If you use the Octopus card to pay for your Ding Ding rides, you’ll receive a discount of around 10% off the regular fare. Plus, the card is incredibly convenient to use and can be easily topped up at any convenience store or MTR station.

So if you plan on taking the Ding Ding tram regularly during your stay in Hong Kong, be sure to get yourself an Octopus card to save some money and make your travels even more convenient.

Can I bring my bicycle on the tram?

Yes, you can bring your bicycle on the tram! However, there are certain restrictions and rules to follow.

First, you should only board the tram at the designated bicycle area, which is typically located at the front or back of the tram. Secondly, you must ensure that your bicycle is folded and stored neatly to avoid causing any inconvenience to other passengers. Lastly, you should also keep in mind that during peak hours, the bicycle area may be crowded and you may need to wait for the next tram.

Overall, bringing your bicycle on the ding ding tram can be a convenient and efficient way to travel around Hong Kong, but it’s important to be mindful of others and follow the rules.

Is there any air conditioning on the tram?

Yes, there’s air conditioning on the Ding Ding tram in Hong Kong. When you step inside, you’ll immediately feel the cool air blowing. This is especially refreshing on hot and humid days, but keep in mind that the AC may not be as strong as you’re used to. So, it’s a good idea to dress in layers.

Additionally, the windows on the tram can be opened, which allows for some fresh air to circulate. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, riding the Ding Ding tram is a fun and unique way to see the city. The air conditioning is just another perk to make your ride more comfortable.

Are there any safety precautions I should take while riding the tram?

When it comes to riding the Ding Ding tram in Hong Kong, there are a few safety precautions you should keep in mind.

First and foremost, always hold on to the handrails or straps provided while standing. The tram can sway and jerk unexpectedly, especially when turning corners or going up hills.

Secondly, be mindful of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you at all times. Pickpocketing is unfortunately common on public transportation in Hong Kong.

Lastly, be aware of the tram’s schedule and make sure to get off at the correct stop. It may be tempting to take in the sights and sounds of the city, but always pay attention to where you are and where you need to go.

By keeping these safety tips in mind, you can enjoy a smooth and safe ride on the iconic Ding Ding tram.

Is there a limit on how many people can board the tram at once?

Yes, there’s a limit on how many people can board the tram at once. The maximum capacity for each tram is around 200 passengers, but during busy periods, it’s advisable to wait for the next tram if the current one is already packed to avoid overcrowding.

It’s important to be patient and not to rush onto the tram, as the driver won’t depart until everyone is safely on board. Additionally, be mindful of personal space and try not to block the doors or aisles, as this can cause delays and inconvenience to other passengers.

Overall, it’s best to be courteous and respectful of others while riding the ding-ding tram in Hong Kong.


So, now you know the ins and outs of riding the ding ding tram in Hong Kong. With these tips, you can confidently navigate the city and enjoy the unique experience of riding the world’s largest fleet of double-decker trams.

Remember to keep an eye out for peak hours, be mindful of your belongings, and respect local customs. Choose the right seat for your needs, plan your route ahead of time, and enjoy the stunning views of Hong Kong from the comfort of the tram.

With these tips, you’ll be riding the ding ding like a local in no time. Happy travels!

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