6 Review: The Evolution Of Hong Kong’s Cinema Culture

Last Updated: July 2024

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Are you a fan of Hong Kong cinema? If so, you’re in for a treat as we take a journey through the evolution of Hong Kong’s cinema culture.

From the emergence of martial arts films in the 1960s to the rise of Bruce Lee in the 1970s, the Hong Kong film industry has experienced significant growth and transformation over the years.

In this article, we’ll explore the challenges faced by Hong Kong cinema in the 1990s and early 2000s, as well as the unique characteristics that set Hong Kong cinema apart from other film industries.

We’ll also take a look at Hong Kong cinema today and how it continues to attract audiences from all over the world.

So buckle up and get ready to discover the fascinating history of Hong Kong’s cinema culture.

Key Takeaways

  • Hong Kong cinema has a rich history, from the emergence of martial arts films in the 1960s to the challenging themes explored by the Hong Kong New Wave in the 1980s.
  • Bruce Lee’s legacy had a significant impact on Hollywood and the martial arts film genre, paving the way for other Asian actors and filmmakers.
  • Hong Kong cinema continues to thrive today, with a unique blend of styles and themes that emphasize action and visual effects.
  • The industry has faced challenges, including economic recession and competition from mainland Chinese cinema, but new filmmakers bring fresh perspectives and innovative storytelling that push the boundaries of creativity.

Emergence of Martial Arts Films in the 1960s

You’ll be interested to know that the emergence of Martial Arts Films in the 1960s was heavily influenced by Chinese Opera.

The acrobatics and choreography of the opera performers were incorporated into the fight scenes of these films, resulting in a unique style of action that became popular worldwide.

Additionally, the impact of Bruce Lee on the genre can’t be overstated, as his films brought a level of authenticity and intensity that hadn’t been seen before.

Influence of Chinese Opera on Martial Arts Films

Now, you’re going to love how Chinese Opera has influenced the incredible martial arts films of Hong Kong cinema. Chinese Opera, also known as Kunqu Opera, is a traditional form of Chinese theatre that dates back to the 14th century. It involves a combination of music, dance, and acrobatics, and is known for its intricate choreography and storytelling.

It is no surprise then that many of the martial arts films produced in Hong Kong in the 1960s were heavily influenced by Chinese Opera. The influence of Chinese Opera on martial arts films is most evident in the fight scenes.

Just as in Chinese Opera, the fight scenes in martial arts films are highly choreographed and involve a combination of movements, such as kicks and punches, as well as acrobatics and dance. The use of props, such as swords and fans, is also common in both Chinese Opera and martial arts films.

Furthermore, just as in Chinese Opera, the fight scenes in martial arts films are often used to advance the plot and reveal character relationships. In this way, the influence of Chinese Opera on martial arts films has helped to elevate the fight scenes from mere displays of physical prowess to integral parts of the storytelling.

Impact of Bruce Lee

Get ready to feel the impact of Bruce Lee on martial arts films! Bruce Lee, a legendary martial artist and actor, played a pivotal role in shaping the martial arts film genre.

He brought a new level of intensity and realism to on-screen fight scenes, which had never been seen before. His unique style of martial arts, Jeet Kune Do, blended different styles together and emphasized practicality and efficiency over traditional forms. This style was reflected in his films, where he often fought with lightning-fast strikes, kicks, and punches, leaving his opponents no chance to defend themselves.

His fighting style, combined with his exceptional acting skills, made him an international icon and set a new standard for martial arts films.

Bruce Lee’s influence on the martial arts film genre was not limited to his on-screen performances. He also had a significant impact on the industry behind the scenes. His success as an actor and filmmaker paved the way for other Asian actors and filmmakers, who were previously marginalized in Hollywood.

He proved that martial arts films could be commercially successful and critically acclaimed, breaking down the stereotype that these films were only for niche audiences. His legacy continues to inspire generations of filmmakers and actors around the world, who strive to create films that capture the essence of his work.

Bruce Lee’s impact on the martial arts film genre will forever be remembered as a pivotal moment in the history of cinema.

Rise of Bruce Lee in the 1970s

You might be interested in knowing how Bruce Lee rose to fame and left an indelible mark on Hollywood and Hong Kong cinema.

In the 1970s, Bruce Lee became a sensation with his martial arts skills and unique style of fighting, which he showcased in his movies.

His impact on Hollywood was significant, and he paved the way for Asian actors to be recognized in the industry.

Additionally, Bruce Lee’s legacy in Hong Kong cinema continues to inspire filmmakers, and his influence can be seen in numerous martial arts movies produced in the region.

Bruce Lee’s Impact on Hollywood

Although he tragically passed away at a young age, Bruce Lee’s impact on Hollywood and the martial arts genre is still felt to this day. Here are three key ways in which Bruce Lee changed Hollywood:

  • He challenged Hollywood’s racist stereotypes of Asian people: Prior to Bruce Lee’s arrival on the scene, Asian actors were often typecast as villains or comic relief. Bruce Lee, on the other hand, was a leading man who was not only a skilled martial artist, but also a charismatic and complex character. He played roles that were not defined by his ethnicity, and his success paved the way for other Asian actors to break out of stereotypes.

  • He revolutionized fight scenes in Hollywood: Bruce Lee’s fighting style was a blend of different martial arts, and it was unlike anything that Hollywood had seen before. His fight scenes were fast-paced, fluid, and highly choreographed, and they set a new standard for action movies. Even today, many action movies draw inspiration from Bruce Lee’s fight scenes.

  • He inspired a new generation of martial artists and action stars: Bruce Lee’s influence can be seen in the work of many modern-day action stars, from Jackie Chan to Jet Li to Donnie Yen. He also inspired a new generation of martial artists, who saw him as a role model and a symbol of empowerment. Bruce Lee’s legacy continues to inspire people all over the world.

Overall, Bruce Lee’s impact on Hollywood cannot be overstated. He challenged stereotypes, revolutionized fight scenes, and inspired a new generation of action stars and martial artists. His legacy is still felt in the martial arts genre and beyond, and he’ll always be remembered as a trailblazer who changed the face of Hollywood.

Legacy of Bruce Lee in Hong Kong Cinema

If you’re a fan of martial arts movies, you’ll be pleased to know that Bruce Lee’s legacy lives on in some of the most iconic films to come out of Hong Kong. While Bruce Lee’s work in Hollywood brought him international recognition, it was his earlier work in Hong Kong cinema that established him as a pioneer in the martial arts genre.

His influence can be seen in films like ‘The Chinese Connection’ and ‘Fist of Fury,’ which continue to be celebrated for their action-packed fight scenes and charismatic lead performances. Bruce Lee’s impact on Hong Kong cinema didn’t end with his untimely death in 1973. In fact, his legacy only grew stronger as new generations of filmmakers and actors were inspired by his work.

The ‘Golden Age’ of Hong Kong cinema in the 1980s was marked by a wave of martial arts films that owed a debt to Bruce Lee’s innovative style. Even today, Hong Kong cinema continues to produce action films that draw on the techniques and themes popularized by Bruce Lee. His influence has been so profound that he remains a cultural icon in Hong Kong and beyond, inspiring countless fans to take up martial arts and pursue their dreams.

Hong Kong New Wave in the 1980s

In the 1980s, Hong Kong cinema saw a new wave of filmmakers who emerged with fresh ideas and approaches to filmmaking. This period, known as the Hong Kong New Wave, brought a range of new themes and styles to the screen, challenging traditional notions of storytelling and filmmaking.

The new filmmakers explored topics such as identity, politics, and social issues, while experimenting with techniques like non-linear narratives and handheld camera work.

Introduction of New Filmmakers

With the rise of new filmmakers in Hong Kong’s cinema industry, audiences can expect fresh perspectives and innovative storytelling. These filmmakers bring in new energy and ideas that challenge the traditional film-making norms and push the boundaries of creativity. Moreover, the introduction of new filmmakers also signifies a shift towards more diverse representation in the industry.

One of the most promising new filmmakers in Hong Kong is Wong Kar-Wai. He’s known for his visually stunning films, such as ‘Chungking Express’ and ‘In the Mood for Love,’ which explore themes of love, loss, and identity. Wong’s films have gained international acclaim and have been instrumental in shaping the Hong Kong cinema industry’s reputation as a hub for innovative and artistic filmmaking.

Other new filmmakers, such as Fruit Chan and Johnnie To, have also made significant contributions to the industry, with their unique styles and perspectives. As Hong Kong’s cinema industry continues to evolve, the introduction of new filmmakers is essential in keeping the industry relevant and exciting for audiences.

Themes and Styles of Hong Kong New Wave

Now that you’ve learned about the introduction of new filmmakers in Hong Kong’s cinema culture, let’s delve into the themes and styles of the Hong Kong New Wave.

The Hong Kong New Wave was a movement that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was characterized by its experimental and unconventional approach to filmmaking. This movement saw a departure from the traditional Hong Kong cinema, which was heavily influenced by Hollywood and relied on formulaic storylines and action sequences. The Hong Kong New Wave, on the other hand, emphasized realism, grittiness, and a unique blend of genres.

The themes explored in Hong Kong New Wave films were often gritty and realistic, with a focus on the everyday struggles of ordinary people. The films often depicted the underbelly of Hong Kong society, with characters that were flawed and complex. These themes were often explored through a mix of genres, such as crime dramas, romances, and comedies.

The style of the films was also unique, with an emphasis on handheld camera work, fast-paced editing, and a raw, unpolished look. This style helped to capture the energy and chaos of Hong Kong’s bustling streets and gave the films a sense of immediacy and authenticity.

Overall, the Hong Kong New Wave was a pivotal moment in Hong Kong’s cinema culture, and it helped to establish the city as a major player in the world of filmmaking.

Challenges Faced in the 1990s and Early 2000s

As you move on to the subtopic of Challenges Faced in the 1990s and Early 2000s, you’ll learn about the decline of Hong Kong cinema and the rise of mainland Chinese cinema.

During this period, Hong Kong cinema faced a number of challenges, including economic recession, piracy, and competition from Hollywood.

Meanwhile, mainland Chinese cinema was experiencing a period of growth, due to government support and increased investment.

Decline of Hong Kong Cinema

The downfall of Hong Kong Cinema can be attributed to various factors. One of the main reasons is the rise of Hollywood, which started to dominate the international film market. Hollywood films offered better production values, special effects, and familiar stars, which lured audiences away from Hong Kong cinema.

Additionally, Hong Kong’s economic crisis in the late 1990s resulted in a decrease in funding for the film industry, leading to a decline in the quality of films being produced.

Another factor that contributed to the decline of Hong Kong cinema was changing audience preferences. As the younger generation began to emerge, they were less interested in the traditional Hong Kong films, which were known for their martial arts and crime genres. Instead, they preferred more modern and globalized films, which addressed their own experiences and contemporary issues.

This shift in audience preferences led to a decrease in box office success for Hong Kong films, which further weakened the industry.

The loss of Hong Kong’s unique cultural identity, the frustration of seeing talented Hong Kong filmmakers leave the industry due to lack of opportunities, and the disappointment of witnessing the decline of a once-thriving industry, which had put Hong Kong on the global film map, are all major concerns. There is also the fear that Hong Kong cinema may never regain its former glory.

Rise of Mainland Chinese Cinema

You can’t help but feel excited about how Mainland Chinese Cinema is taking the world by storm. In recent years, the industry has undergone a significant transformation, with the emergence of new directors and the increasing number of film festivals. Chinese films are now being recognized globally and have even won major awards at prestigious events like the Cannes Film Festival.

One of the key factors that’ve contributed to the rise of Mainland Chinese Cinema is the government’s support for the industry. The government has invested heavily in the film industry, providing funding and tax incentives to boost production. Additionally, the industry has benefited from the opening up of the Chinese market, which has allowed for more international collaborations and co-productions.

As a result, the quality of Chinese films has improved significantly, and they now offer a unique perspective on Chinese culture that appeals to global audiences.

Hong Kong Cinema Today

Nowadays, if you walk into a movie theater in Hong Kong, you’ll see a diverse selection of films, ranging from Hollywood blockbusters to local productions. Hong Kong cinema has come a long way since its early days of martial arts films and gangster flicks. Today, the industry is thriving, with a new generation of filmmakers pushing boundaries and exploring new genres.

Here are four key factors that have contributed to the success of Hong Kong cinema today:

  1. Government support: The Hong Kong government has been instrumental in supporting the local film industry, providing funding and resources to help filmmakers bring their visions to life.

  2. International recognition: Hong Kong films have gained international recognition, with directors like Wong Kar-wai and John Woo becoming household names around the world.

  3. Technological advancements: With the rise of digital technology, Hong Kong filmmakers have been able to experiment with new techniques and styles, leading to a more diverse range of films.

  4. Cultural identity: Hong Kong cinema has always been rooted in the city’s unique cultural identity, and this continues to be a driving force behind the industry’s success. Filmmakers are proud to showcase their city and its people on the big screen, and audiences are eager to see their stories told.

Unique Characteristics of Hong Kong Cinema

When discussing the unique characteristics of Hong Kong cinema, two key points stand out. Hong Kong cinema has been strongly influenced by both Chinese and Western cultures, resulting in a unique blend of styles and themes. Hong Kong filmmakers are known for their emphasis on action and visual effects, often creating thrilling and visually stunning films.

These characteristics have helped to make Hong Kong cinema a distinct and popular genre in the global film industry.

Blend of Eastern and Western Influences

As you explore Hong Kong’s cinema culture, you’ll notice a captivating blend of Eastern and Western influences that have shaped its unique style. This fusion can be attributed to the city’s colonial history and its proximity to both China and the West.

Here are some of the elements that contribute to this distinctive mix:

  • Martial Arts: Hong Kong’s cinema industry is renowned for its martial arts films, which blend traditional Eastern fighting styles with Western-style action choreography.

  • Pop Culture References: Hong Kong cinema often incorporates references to Western pop culture, such as song lyrics and fashion trends, into its films.

  • Cinematography Techniques: Hong Kong cinema has developed its own distinct visual style, which combines traditional Chinese aesthetics with Western film techniques.

  • Narrative Structures: Hong Kong cinema often blends elements of traditional Chinese storytelling with Western-style plot structures, resulting in unique, complex narratives.

This blend of Eastern and Western influences has allowed Hong Kong cinema to stand out on the global stage and attract a diverse audience. It’s also given rise to innovative and groundbreaking films that have influenced and inspired filmmakers around the world.

Focus on Action and Visual Spectacle

You’ll be blown away by the intense focus on action and stunning visual spectacle in Hong Kong’s films, leaving you breathless and on the edge of your seat.

Hong Kong cinema has long been known for its emphasis on action-packed scenes and breathtaking stunts that push the boundaries of what’s possible on screen. From martial arts films to high-speed car chases, Hong Kong’s filmmakers have a knack for creating heart-pumping action sequences that keep audiences engaged from start to finish.

But it’s not just the action that makes Hong Kong cinema so captivating. The visual spectacle is equally impressive, with filmmakers employing a range of techniques to create stunning visuals that leave a lasting impression. From the use of slow motion to choreographed fight scenes, Hong Kong cinema has a unique style that sets it apart from other film industries.

Whether you’re a fan of action films or just appreciate the art of filmmaking, Hong Kong’s cinema culture is sure to leave you in awe.

Frequently Asked Questions

What impact did the emergence of martial arts films have on Hong Kong’s cinema culture?

The emergence of martial arts films had a significant impact on Hong Kong’s cinema culture. These films showcased Hong Kong’s unique blend of action, humor, and drama, and helped establish the city as a major player in the global film industry. They also inspired a new generation of filmmakers and actors, many of whom went on to become international stars.

Additionally, martial arts films attracted a diverse audience, both domestically and abroad, and helped cement Hong Kong’s reputation as a hub for East-West cultural exchange. Overall, the rise of martial arts films was a key factor in the evolution of Hong Kong’s cinema culture, and remains an important part of the city’s cinematic legacy to this day.

How did Bruce Lee become such a prominent figure in Hong Kong’s cinema industry?

To understand how Bruce Lee became such a prominent figure in Hong Kong’s cinema industry, you must look to his exceptional talents and dedication to his craft.

Lee’s mastery of martial arts and his unique style of fighting made him a standout in the genre, and his on-screen charisma and acting abilities only added to his appeal.

But it wasn’t just his talent that made him a legend – his untimely death at the height of his fame cemented his status as an icon and a symbol of Hong Kong’s cinema culture.

Lee’s influence can still be seen today, with many actors and filmmakers citing him as a major inspiration and his impact on the industry as a whole still being felt decades later.

What were some of the main themes explored by filmmakers during the Hong Kong New Wave era?

During the Hong Kong New Wave era, which spanned from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s, filmmakers explored a variety of themes in their movies.

One of the major themes was the tension between tradition and modernity, which was particularly relevant in Hong Kong as it underwent rapid modernization. Films like A Better Tomorrow and Chungking Express addressed this theme through their depictions of characters struggling to navigate the changing world around them.

Another prevalent theme was the struggle for identity and a sense of belonging, which was often explored through the lens of gangster and crime films. This can be seen in movies like Infernal Affairs and Election, which examined the complex relationships between individuals and their communities.

Finally, the New Wave era was marked by a focus on realism and social issues, with films like Boat People and City on Fire tackling topics like poverty and political corruption.

Overall, the Hong Kong New Wave era was a time of experimentation and innovation in the city’s cinema culture, and the themes explored by filmmakers during this time continue to resonate with audiences today.

What specific challenges did Hong Kong’s cinema industry face in the 1990s and early 2000s?

In the 1990s and early 2000s, Hong Kong’s cinema industry faced a myriad of challenges. One of the biggest obstacles was the rise of pirated DVDs, which caused a significant decline in box office revenue for local films.

This, coupled with the financial crisis in Asia, led to a decrease in production budgets and a shift towards co-productions with mainland China.

Additionally, the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997 brought about uncertainty and anxiety among filmmakers and audiences alike, as they pondered the possible implications on the industry’s creative freedom.

Despite these challenges, the industry adapted and continued to produce innovative and critically acclaimed films, proving its resilience and significance in the global film landscape.

How has Hong Kong cinema evolved in recent years, and what new trends are emerging in the industry?

In recent years, Hong Kong cinema has undergone significant changes and evolved in various ways. One noticeable trend is the rise of independent films, which have gained recognition both locally and internationally. These films often touch on social and political issues, providing a fresh perspective on Hong Kong society.

Another trend is the increasing collaboration between Hong Kong and mainland China, resulting in a fusion of styles and themes. The rise of streaming services has also impacted the industry, allowing for more diverse and accessible content. However, Hong Kong cinema still faces challenges such as competition from Hollywood blockbusters and censorship issues in mainland China.

Despite these challenges, Hong Kong cinema continues to adapt and innovate, showcasing its unique cultural identity and contributing to the global film industry.


Congratulations, you’ve just explored the evolution of Hong Kong’s cinema culture! From the emergence of martial arts films in the 1960s to the challenges faced in the 1990s and early 2000s, Hong Kong cinema has come a long way.

Today, Hong Kong cinema remains an integral part of global cinema, characterized by its unique blend of action, drama, and humor.

In conclusion, Hong Kong cinema has a rich history that continues to evolve and inspire filmmakers globally. The industry has constantly reinvented itself, from the rise of Bruce Lee in the 1970s to the Hong Kong New Wave in the 1980s.

Despite the challenges faced over the years, Hong Kong cinema remains a force to be reckoned with, with its distinct style and unique characteristics. We hope this journey through Hong Kong’s cinema culture has left you with a deeper appreciation for the industry and its contributions to global cinema.

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8 Water Jetpacking Experiences In Hong Kong

Are you ready for an adrenaline-filled adventure in Hong Kong? Look no further than water jetpacking, a thrilling activity that allows you to soar above the water with the help of powerful water jets. With plenty of beautiful beaches and waterways, Hong Kong is

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Budget Travel Tips
Wei Fu

10 Affordable Transportation Options For Budget Travelers

When it comes to budget travel, transportation is one of the biggest expenses that can eat into your funds. However, with a little research and planning, there are several affordable transportation options available to budget travelers. In this article, we will explore 10 different

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Events and Festivals
Wei Fu

8 Festivals That Celebrate Film And Cinema

If you’re a film enthusiast, there’s no better way to immerse yourself in the world of cinema than by attending a film festival. From the glamorous Cannes Film Festival to the edgy South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival, there are dozens of festivals around

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Hong Kong vs Macau
Wei Fu

Hong Kong Vs Macau: Comparing The Best Shopping Malls

Are you a shopping enthusiast looking for the ultimate retail experience? Look no further than Hong Kong and Macau, two cities with booming shopping scenes. In this article, we’ll compare the best shopping malls in both cities, so you can plan your shopping spree

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Culture In Hong Kong
Wei Fu

8 Cultural Experiences To Immerse Yourself In Hong Kong

Looking for an unforgettable cultural experience? Look no further than Hong Kong. This bustling metropolis is a melting pot of Eastern and Western influences, making it a unique destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in a diverse range of cultural experiences. From the

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Water Activities In Hong Kong
Wei Fu

8 Fishing Charters For Anglers In Hong Kong

Are you an avid angler looking for a new and exciting fishing experience? Look no further than Hong Kong, an urban metropolis that also boasts some of the best fishing opportunities in the world. With its sparkling waters and diverse fish species, Hong Kong

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Water Activities In Hong Kong
Wei Fu

7 Splendid Yacht Tours In Hong Kong

Welcome to Hong Kong, where the city’s vibrant energy is matched by the stunning scenery of its surrounding seas. If you’re looking for a unique way to experience the city, consider taking a yacht tour. With so many options available, you’re sure to find

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Events and Festivals
Wei Fu

7 Festivals That Pay Tribute To Historical Events

If you’re looking for a way to immerse yourself in history and culture, attending a festival that pays tribute to historical events is the perfect way to do it. These festivals provide a unique opportunity to experience the traditions and customs of different cultures,

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Water Activities In Hong Kong
Wei Fu

7 Spectacular Sunset Cruises In Hong Kong

Are you looking for a unique and unforgettable experience in Hong Kong? A sunset cruise might just be what you need! Hong Kong is known for its stunning skyline and picturesque harbor, and what better way to witness it than on a boat while

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Budget Travel Tips
Wei Fu

8 Budget-Friendly Tips For Souvenir Shopping On Your Travels

When traveling to new destinations, many people enjoy bringing home souvenirs as a way to remember their experiences. However, souvenir shopping can quickly become a costly endeavor, especially for those on a tight budget. Fortunately, there are several budget-friendly tips that can help travelers

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Culture In Hong Kong
Wei Fu

7 Cultural Diversity In Hong Kong’s Neighborhoods

If you’re looking for a vibrant and diverse cultural experience, Hong Kong is the place to be. With its unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures, this city is a melting pot of traditions, languages, and customs. In each of Hong Kong’s neighborhoods, you’ll

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Events and Festivals
Wei Fu

7 Captivating Music And Arts Festivals For Creatives

Are you a creative looking for inspiration and new experiences? Look no further than these seven captivating music and arts festivals. From the dusty deserts of Nevada to the lush green fields of Somerset, there is a festival out there that will speak to

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Budget Travel Tips
Wei Fu

7 Budget-Friendly Tips For Traveling In Peak Season

Traveling during peak season can be an exciting and memorable experience, but it can also be costly. With high demand for flights, hotels, and activities, prices tend to skyrocket during peak season. However, there are ways to travel on a budget even during the

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