How To Discover Hong Kong’s Hidden Speakeasy Bars

Last Updated: July 2024

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Are you tired of the same old bar scene in Hong Kong? Do you crave a unique and mysterious atmosphere for your next night out? Look no further than the city’s hidden speakeasy bars.

These establishments, which originated during the Prohibition era in the United States, offer an exciting and secretive experience for those in the know.

To discover these hidden gems, it takes a little bit of effort and planning, but the payoff is well worth it. In this article, you’ll learn about the history and culture of speakeasy bars, as well as how to research and plan ahead for your visit.

You’ll also discover tips on how to find hidden entrances, navigate the rules, and engage with other patrons. So, get ready to step back in time and experience the thrill of Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasy bars.

Key Takeaways

  • Research and planning ahead are crucial for finding hidden speakeasy bars in Hong Kong.
  • Rules and etiquette when visiting speakeasy bars include dressing appropriately and being mindful of others.
  • Each speakeasy bar has a unique atmosphere and offers expertly crafted cocktails.
  • Enjoy speakeasy bars responsibly by pacing oneself, limiting drinks, and sharing with friends.

Understand the History and Culture of Speakeasy Bars

You gotta understand the history and culture of speakeasy bars if you wanna fully appreciate the allure of these hidden gems in Hong Kong.

Speakeasies were first established in America during the prohibition era when alcohol was banned. These illegal bars were hidden behind unmarked doors in secret locations and required a password to enter. They became a symbol of rebellion and the epitome of cool.

In Hong Kong, speakeasies have become a popular trend in recent years, offering a unique and exclusive experience for those who seek it.

The culture of these bars is all about secrecy and exclusivity. They often have no signage or visible entrance, and you need to know the right people or have the right information to find them.

Once inside, you can expect expertly crafted cocktails, a cozy atmosphere, and a sense of being part of an exclusive club.

Understanding the history and culture of speakeasies can help you appreciate the experience they offer and make your search for hidden bars in Hong Kong all the more exciting.

Research and Plan Ahead

When planning to discover Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasy bars, you should research and plan ahead.

Use social media and online resources to find out about the latest, trendy bars that locals frequent.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask locals and bartenders for recommendations as they may know of some hidden gems that aren’t widely advertised.

By being proactive in your research, you’ll be sure to have a great night out in Hong Kong’s speakeasy scene.

Use Social Media and Online Resources

By utilizing social media and online resources, it’s easy to uncover the elusive speakeasy bars hiding throughout Hong Kong. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Search for hashtags like #speakeasy #hiddenbars #cocktailbars on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You’ll find plenty of posts from locals and bloggers who’ve already discovered these hidden gems.

  • Check out online reviews and articles from food and travel websites like Time Out Hong Kong, Eater, and TripAdvisor. These resources often provide detailed information about the location, ambiance, and signature cocktails of each speakeasy bar.

  • Join Hong Kong-based Facebook groups like ‘Hong Kong Secret Bars’ or ‘Hong Kong Nightlife’ to connect with other speakeasy enthusiasts and get insider tips on the best hidden bars in the city.

  • Use apps like Google Maps or Yelp to search for bars in specific areas of Hong Kong. Some speakeasy bars may not have a visible sign or address, so it’s important to read reviews and check for any special instructions on how to find them.

By taking advantage of these resources, you’ll be able to discover some of Hong Kong’s most unique and memorable speakeasy bars. So why not start planning your next night out now?

Ask Locals and Bartenders for Recommendations

Interacting with the locals and bartenders will provide you with valuable insights and recommendations on where to experience the city’s exclusive and unforgettable drinking culture. Hong Kong’s bartenders are passionate about their craft and are always happy to share their knowledge and expertise with curious patrons.

Strike up a conversation with them and you might discover that the bar you’re in is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasies. Don’t be afraid to ask locals for recommendations either.

Hong Kong’s residents are proud of their city and are always happy to help visitors discover its hidden gems. Strike up a conversation with someone at a coffee shop or in a park and you might just get a tip on a speakeasy that’s off the beaten path.

Who knows, you might even make a new friend along the way!

Look for Hidden Entrances

Discovering Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasy bars requires a keen eye for hidden entrances. These entrances can often be disguised as unassuming doors or alleyways. They may look like they lead to nowhere, but they actually lead to some of the city’s most exclusive bars. Some of them can only be accessed by knowing a secret code or by ringing a bell.

One of the most famous hidden entrances in Hong Kong is located in the Central district. The entrance to this speakeasy bar is hidden behind a sliding door in a nondescript alleyway. Once you find the door, you need to enter a code to gain access. Once inside, you’ll be transported to a bygone era, with vintage decor and a sophisticated ambiance.

So, keep your eyes peeled for hidden entrances and be prepared for a memorable night out in Hong Kong’s secret bars.

Know the Rules

When it comes to discovering Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasies, it’s not just about finding the entrance. Knowing the rules is equally important if you want to gain entry.

First, make sure you follow the dress code and etiquette, as these bars often have strict requirements. Additionally, be prepared to give a password or secret knock, as some speakeasies require it for entry.

By knowing and following these rules, you’ll increase your chances of experiencing Hong Kong’s hidden bar scene.

Follow Dress Code and Etiquette

Dressing appropriately and adhering to the established etiquette rules will transport you back in time to the era of Hong Kong’s clandestine speakeasies. These bars are known for their unique atmosphere, and part of that atmosphere is the dress code.

Many speakeasies require guests to dress in a certain way, usually smart casual or cocktail attire. This means no ripped jeans, sneakers, or flip flops. Dressing up for the occasion not only shows respect for the establishment but also adds to the experience of stepping back in time to a hidden world of glamour and sophistication.

Another important aspect of visiting a speakeasy is following the established etiquette rules. These can vary from place to place, but some common ones include not taking pictures or using your phone, being mindful of your volume, and not bothering other guests.

Speakeasies are meant to be a place where people can escape the outside world and enjoy a drink or two in a cozy and intimate setting. By following the etiquette rules, you’re helping to preserve that atmosphere for everyone. So, be sure to brush up on the rules before you go and be prepared to embrace the unique experience of Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasies.

Be Prepared to Give a Password or Secret Knock

Get ready to give a secret password or knock to gain entry to some of Hong Kong’s underground drinking establishments. These speakeasy bars are hidden away from the bustling streets and require a bit of detective work to find. Once you do, however, you’ll be rewarded with a unique drinking experience.

To gain entry to these speakeasies, you may need to do a bit of research beforehand and find out what the password or secret knock is. Some bars will have this information listed on their website or social media pages, while others may require you to reach out to them directly.

Once you have the password or knock, be sure to practice it beforehand, as you don’t want to fumble through it and risk being denied entry. Remember, these bars value their secrecy and exclusivity, so be sure to respect their rules and follow their instructions to the letter.

Enjoy the Unique Atmosphere

Experience the one-of-a-kind vibe at Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasy bars – you won’t find anything like it anywhere else! Each of these bars has its own unique atmosphere that’s carefully crafted to transport you to another time and place.

As you step through the hidden entrance and into the dimly lit interior, you’ll feel the excitement building. The vintage decor, sultry lighting, and live music all work together to create an ambiance that’s both mysterious and inviting.

Once you settle into your seat and order your drink, take a moment to soak in the atmosphere around you. The bartenders are skilled mixologists who take pride in crafting the perfect cocktail for each customer. The music is carefully chosen to set the mood and create a sense of intimacy. And the other patrons are there for the same reason as you: to enjoy a unique and unforgettable experience.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the one-of-a-kind atmosphere of Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasy bars.

Try Unique Cocktails

If you’re looking for a unique experience, trying out some of Hong Kong’s speakeasies is a must.

Once you’ve found your way in, be sure to ask the bartender for recommendations on cocktails to try.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and ingredients, as these speakeasies often have some truly unique offerings.

Ask for Recommendations from Bartenders

You’ll want to make friends with the bartenders to get the inside scoop on Hong Kong’s best speakeasies. These bartenders aren’t just knowledgeable about the city’s drinking scene, but can also provide you with recommendations on where to find the hidden gems. They’re the gatekeepers to some of the most exclusive and elusive bars in the city.

When you strike up a conversation with the bartenders, don’t be afraid to ask for their recommendations. They’ll be more than happy to share their knowledge with you and point you in the right direction.

Here are some of the things you can ask them for:

  • The best hidden speakeasies in the city
  • The most unique and creative cocktails they’ve tried
  • Any insider tips or tricks to getting into these exclusive bars

By asking the bartenders for recommendations, you’ll be able to discover the hidden speakeasies that most tourists miss out on.

So, don’t be shy, strike up a conversation with the bartenders, and get ready for a night of unforgettable drinks and experiences.

Experiment with Different Flavors and Ingredients

Go ahead and mix it up, trying new flavors and ingredients in your cocktails to create a truly unique drinking experience.

Hong Kong’s speakeasy bars are known for their creative and innovative cocktails that use unexpected ingredients. Don’t be afraid to try something new, like a cocktail with chili peppers or one made with a rare Japanese whiskey.

Many speakeasy bars in Hong Kong also offer a bespoke cocktail service, where the bartender will create a cocktail tailored to your tastes. This is the perfect opportunity to experiment with different flavors and ingredients that you may not have tried before.

Don’t be shy about telling the bartender what you like and don’t like, and let them work their magic to create a drink that is truly one-of-a-kind.

With so many hidden speakeasy bars to discover in Hong Kong, the possibilities for unique and delicious cocktails are endless.

Engage with Other Patrons

When you visit Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasies, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with other patrons. Engage with both locals and tourists, as they may have valuable insights and recommendations for other unique experiences in the city.

Additionally, don’t hesitate to share your own experiences and recommendations with them. This creates a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that reflects the true spirit of Hong Kong’s nightlife scene.

Strike Up a Conversation with Locals and Tourists

Chatting with both locals and tourists can lead you to hidden speakeasy bars in Hong Kong, where you can immerse yourself in the city’s vibrant nightlife scene.

Strike up a conversation with a local and ask for recommendations, as they may have insider knowledge on the best hidden bars in the city. Tourists can also be a great resource, as they may have already visited some of Hong Kong’s lesser-known spots and can share their experiences with you.

When you strike up a conversation with someone, be sure to ask specific questions about the bar they recommend. What type of atmosphere does it have? What are the prices like? Is there a dress code? These details can help you decide which bars are worth checking out and can also help you prepare for the experience.

Remember to also offer your own recommendations and experiences, as this can help build rapport and lead to even more hidden gems being uncovered.

Share Your Experiences and Recommendations

You can enhance the travel experience for others by sharing your own recommendations and experiences. After visiting some of Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasy bars, you may have discovered some unique features or special drinks that you want to share with others. Whether it’s through social media, online forums, or word-of-mouth, your recommendations and experiences can help others discover these hidden gems.

To help you share your experiences effectively, consider using a table to convey more detailed information. For example, you could create a table that lists the name of the speakeasy, its location, a brief description of its atmosphere, and a recommended drink or menu item. This type of table would be helpful for travelers who are looking for specific types of speakeasies, such as those with a vintage vibe or those that serve craft cocktails. By sharing your experiences and recommendations, you can help others discover the unique and hidden side of Hong Kong’s nightlife.

Practice Responsible Drinking

To enjoy Hong Kong’s hidden speakeasy bars responsibly, it’s important to pace yourself and drink plenty of water in between cocktails. These bars often serve strong and unique drinks, and it can be easy to get carried away with trying everything on the menu. Remember that the goal is to have a memorable experience, not to get drunk.

Here are some tips to practice responsible drinking in Hong Kong’s speakeasy bars:

  1. Start with a glass of water before ordering your first drink.

  2. Limit yourself to one or two cocktails per visit.

  3. Share drinks with friends to try more without overindulging.

  4. Don’t be afraid to ask the bartender for a lighter version of your favorite cocktail or a mocktail option.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the exciting atmosphere and unique drinks of Hong Kong’s speakeasy bars while still being responsible and mindful of your alcohol consumption.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the legal status of speakeasy bars in Hong Kong?

Speakeasy bars in Hong Kong fall into a legal grey area. Technically, they’re illegal as they operate without a liquor license and don’t comply with fire safety regulations. However, enforcement of these laws is lax and the government turns a blind eye to their existence, as long as they don’t cause any disturbances or harm.

As a result, speakeasy bars have become a popular and thriving underground scene in Hong Kong, offering unique and intimate experiences for those willing to seek them out. Just be aware that there’s always a risk involved in visiting these hidden gems.

How do speakeasy bars in Hong Kong differ from those in other cities?

When it comes to speakeasy bars, Hong Kong offers a unique experience compared to other cities. These hidden gems are often tucked away in unassuming locations, requiring a bit of detective work to uncover.

But once you find them, you’ll be rewarded with a cozy, intimate atmosphere and expertly crafted cocktails. What sets Hong Kong’s speakeasies apart is their fusion of Eastern and Western influences.

You may find yourself sipping on a classic Old Fashioned while surrounded by traditional Chinese decor. Additionally, many of these bars offer a nod to Hong Kong’s history, with themes ranging from colonial-era opulence to underground revolutionaries.

Overall, discovering these hidden speakeasies in Hong Kong is a thrilling adventure that offers a unique glimpse into the city’s culture and history.

What precautions should be taken when visiting a speakeasy bar in Hong Kong?

When visiting a speakeasy bar in Hong Kong, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Firstly, always make sure you have the correct address and entrance information, as speakeasies are often hidden and can be difficult to find.

Once inside, be respectful of the atmosphere and dress code, as many speakeasies require a certain level of dress and behavior.

Additionally, be aware of your surroundings and avoid discussing sensitive topics or making loud noises that may disrupt the ambiance.

Finally, make sure to drink responsibly and arrange for safe transportation home, as many speakeasy bars are located in remote or hard-to-reach areas.

By taking these precautions, you can fully enjoy the unique and exciting experience of visiting a speakeasy bar in Hong Kong.

Are there any dress codes or other restrictions to be aware of at these bars?

When it comes to visiting speakeasy bars in Hong Kong, it’s important to be aware of any dress codes or restrictions that may be in place. Some bars may require more formal attire, while others may allow for a more casual dress code.

It’s always a good idea to check ahead of time to avoid any surprises. Additionally, some bars may have age restrictions or require a password for entry, so it’s important to do your research before heading out.

Overall, while dress codes and restrictions may vary from bar to bar, they’re typically in place to ensure a certain atmosphere and experience for patrons.

How have speakeasy bars evolved over time in Hong Kong?

Speakeasy bars in Hong Kong have undergone a significant transformation over the years. Initially, they were clandestine establishments where patrons could enjoy a drink without fear of being caught during the Prohibition era.

However, today’s speakeasies are more than just hidden watering holes – they offer a unique experience that combines the old-world charm of a bygone era with modern-day sophistication. From their secret entrances to their expertly crafted cocktails, these bars have become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

Many of them also serve as cultural hubs, showcasing the city’s diverse culinary scene and hosting live music performances. Whether you’re looking for a romantic date spot or a place to unwind after a long day, Hong Kong’s speakeasy bars have something for everyone.


Congratulations, you’ve now learned the art of discovering hidden speakeasy bars in Hong Kong!

Remember to always appreciate the rich history and culture behind these establishments, and do your research before visiting. Look out for hidden entrances and be sure to follow the rules to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere.

Don’t forget to try out the creative cocktails and engage with fellow patrons to make the most out of your experience.

Most importantly, practice responsible drinking and be mindful of your limits.

Now that you’ve gained the knowledge and skills to uncover these hidden gems, go out and explore the vibrant speakeasy scene in Hong Kong. Happy hunting!

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Budget Travel Tips
Meng Chin

10 Budget-Friendly Tips For Sustainable And Eco-Friendly Travel

Sustainable and eco-friendly travel not only benefits the environment but also enhances our travel experiences. By reducing our carbon footprint, we can minimize our impact on the planet while exploring new destinations. However, it is a common misconception that sustainable travel is an expensive

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Couple Travel
Meng Chin

6 Scenic Spots In Hong Kong For Couple Photoshoots

Are you and your significant other planning a trip to Hong Kong and want to capture some beautiful memories together? Look no further than these six scenic spots for couple photoshoots. From breathtaking views of the city skyline to tranquil gardens and beaches, Hong

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Night Life In Hong Kong
Meng Chin

What Makes Hong Kong’s Nightlife So Vibrant?

Do you want to experience an electrifying nightlife that will leave you feeling alive and energized? Look no further than Hong Kong. This bustling city is renowned for its vibrant nightlife, which draws visitors from all over the world. From rooftop bars with stunning

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Travel WIth Kids
Meng Chin

6 Family-Friendly Cruises To Explore Hong Kong’s Waters

Hong Kong is a bustling city that offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition. Situated on the southeastern coast of China, Hong Kong is surrounded by water, making it an ideal location for family-friendly cruises. Whether you’re looking to explore the city’s skyline

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Religion In Hong Kong
Meng Chin

7 Major Religions Practiced In Hong Kong

Are you interested in learning about the diverse religious landscape of Hong Kong? As a city that has been shaped by centuries of trade and cultural exchange, Hong Kong is home to a wide range of religions and belief systems. Whether you are a

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Budget Travel Tips
Meng Chin

7 Budget-Friendly Tips For Traveling With Children

Traveling with children can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it can also be a costly one. Between accommodations, food, and activities, expenses can quickly add up. However, with some planning and budgeting, it is possible to have a memorable family vacation without

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Travel To Hong Kong
Meng Chin

Can You Explore Hong Kong On A Shoestring Budget?

Are you looking for an adventure in Hong Kong without breaking the bank? The good news is that exploring the city on a shoestring budget is entirely possible. From free attractions to budget-friendly accommodations, Hong Kong offers a wealth of options to suit every

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Night Life In Hong Kong
Meng Chin

Who Should Experience Hong Kong’s Nightlife Scene?

You’ve heard the rumors about Hong Kong’s nightlife scene. The neon lights, the thumping bass, the crowds of people dancing until dawn. But is it really worth experiencing? And who, exactly, should make the effort to explore Hong Kong’s after-dark offerings? The answer, of

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Travel WIth Kids
Meng Chin

5 Family-Friendly Hotels For Your Trip To Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a vibrant city that is rich in culture and history. It is a popular destination for tourists from around the world, and for good reason. This bustling metropolis has something to offer everyone, including families looking for a fun and memorable

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Couple Travel
Meng Chin

5 Romantic Walking Trails To Explore In Hong Kong

Are you looking to add a touch of romance to your Hong Kong adventure? Look no further than the city’s scenic walking trails. With stunning views of the city skyline and lush greenery, these trails offer the perfect setting for a romantic stroll with

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Travel To Hong Kong
Meng Chin

Best Food Experiences In Hong Kong: A Culinary Journey

Welcome to Hong Kong, a city known for its vibrant food scene and diverse culinary offerings. Whether you’re a foodie or just looking to indulge in some delicious dishes, Hong Kong is the perfect destination for your taste buds. Your culinary journey in Hong

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Religion In Hong Kong
Meng Chin

5 Cultural Impacts Of Religion In Hong Kong

If you’re curious about the cultural landscape of Hong Kong, you can’t ignore the profound influence that religion has had on the city’s identity. Five major religions have left their mark on Hong Kong’s society, shaping its traditions, customs, and values. From daily practices

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